Notable People

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  • Walter Scott was one of the four key early leaders in the Restoration Movement, along with Barton W. Stone, Thomas Campbell and Thomas' son Alexander Campbell. He was a successful evangelist and helped to stabilize the Campbell movement as it was separating from the Baptists.

  • The Rev. Joshua Shawnee is the Pastor of the Parish Church of St. Jerome in Tulsa, OK and the Vicar General of the Society of Mercy. Joshua holds degrees in theology and archival science and is in the final semester of the MTS program at Phillip Seminary. The primary focus of Joshua’s research is the indigenous experience of Christianization and the suppression and reemergence of Two Spirit identities in contemporary North America. Fr. Joshua comes from the Shawnee and Delaware peoples and is an enrolled member of the Shawnee Tribe.

  • Barton Warren Stone was an important preacher during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century. He was first ordained a Presbyterian minister, then was expelled from the church after the Cane Ridge, Kentucky revival for his stated beliefs in faith as the sole prerequisite for salvation.